Saturday, March 19, 2011

super junior at klia 2011 ...


thanx to    for giving such a good information and video...
thank you very much.. ^____^

sedih sangat bila tak dapat nak join Ss3 kat Malaysia..
bila la agaknya boleh join konsert dorang yek..asik tak dapat je..
mungkin waktu dah kerja nanti kot..
ada duit sndiri,baru puas hati nak pergi konsert..

paling-paling pun,pergi korea terus..hahahaha..
best gila woo..

apa-apa pun,good luck for super junior for their concert this evening..
hwaiting.... make your elf proud with you..



Raji and Yeen said...

hohoho pergi je terus korea
bkn super junior jer
mcm2 band lain sume boleh tgk

dayu_myself said...

@raji: betul3...
tu yang aku nak tu..hahaha..
takpa2...aku bls dndam nnti..heh3..

Unknown said...

sape tu? hehe..

dayu_myself said...

super junior laa~~~ish3...